Tag: David Foster Wallace

12 Results

| June 2, 2011


Interesting to see both Jonathan Franzen and David Brooks speaking to and about college graduates in ways that suggest...

| September 29, 2010

Cloud Atlas

James Joyce once wrote to a friend that the thought of Ulysses is simple; it’s only the method that’s complex. Much...

| September 14, 2010

DFW as teacher

The teaching materials now online at the Ransom Center are pretty darn fascinating.

| September 13, 2010


In my last post about Infinite Jest I mentioned the philosophical-theological-spiritual problem of the interesting....

| September 2, 2010

the last jest

So Infinite Summer, last year’s online book group for reading Infinite Jest, concluded with some questions for a...

| August 31, 2010

Feeney on the Jest

Over at The American Scene, my blog-colleague Matt Feeney makes a case for Infinite Jest not unlike the one made in the...

| August 30, 2010

ways of jesting

When it first became common for college students to write on computers, researchers noticed some changes in the quality...

| August 25, 2010

jest the third

Episode 12 of Ulysses is called “Cyclops,” and in the schematic outline of the book that Joyce produced for a few...

| August 20, 2010

jest the second

So, in footnote 304 — ten thousand words or so ostensibly devoted to a history of Les Assassins des Fauteuils...