Who Is The New Atlantis For?
Why 20 years of throwing cold water on utopianism found an audience
Uncovering the political and philosophical aspirations of the scientific enterprise
Why 20 years of throwing cold water on utopianism found an audience
Three ways we think about science flourishing — or getting stuck
Here lies a beloved friend of social harmony (ca. 1500–2000). It was nice while it lasted.
Why a Silicon Valley culture that was once obsessed with reason is going woo
The retreat from time is not a winning answer to our tech malaise.
We’re brain-fried on superhero fistfights. It’s time to learn from heroes who run away.
One brilliant madwoman’s quest to show that the Bard’s works were secretly penned by the father of science, at war with his own creation
Cheese, curry, beer: We can thank our ancestors who put food scraps to creative use. What we’re leaving our children is garbage.